Thursday, November 6, 2014

Yeh Advocacy Community Service Awareness: Homelessness and InnVision Shelter Network

Provide an overview of the problem on a local level. Please be sure to include statistics.
California has the highest homeless population in the nation. ( San Francisco has spent around $165 million a year on services to help homeless people 6,435 homeless adults have been counted during one night last year ( 914 children and young adults were found one day last year without a parent/guardian and without a house ( In California on any given night, 360,000 homeless individuals sleep on the streets or in shelters. ( children are twice as likely to repeat a grade in school and have a higher rate of not graduating high school (

Provide an overview of the problem on a global level. Please be sure to include statistics.
An estimated 100-200 million people worldwide are homeless (2005) ( million American children are homeless every year (2009) ( of homelessness are lack of affordable housing, unemployment, substance abuse, mental illness, and poverty (2008) (
A majority of homeless people are women and children (
Up to 600 million people live in shelters worldwide (

Find a one more organization that works to combat your selected social injustice and analyze their approach. Don’t copy and paste the mission of your selected agency. Research their approach and include details as well as statistics

StandUp for Kids:
  • Outreach services for at risk, homeless youth
  • Trying to end cycle of homelessness with youth
  • Provide safe shelter while kids continue to grow up and go to school
  • Primarily does work at night time, where volunteers go around and hand out food, clothes, etc to homeless kids
  • Provides kids with a counselor to talk to
  • Teaches kids life skills to survive in life
  • Anger management, studying, money managing
  • 1.5-1.8 million homeless youth in america
  • 13 kids die on the streets in America each day
  • Human trafficking of youth is the fastest growing crime\
  • 100,000 children are sold into sex trade within the US each day
    Find relevant articles and videos to share with the community.

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