Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chou Advocacy- St.Anthony's

Our few hours of service won't cure world hunger, but it can alleviate a day's worth of hunger for a handful of families.

This morning we all woke up, got dressed and satisfied our grumbling stomachs with a substantial breakfast. This morning a different child, perhaps only a few doors down, woke up, got dressed and didn't have the luxury of eating the "most important meal of the day". The thought of starting a seven hour day of school hungry is frightening. Even more unnerving is the thought that there won't be food for lunch or dinner and not knowing where the next meal is coming from.

We sit here, shoveling food into our mouths, writing about these scary thoughts that are a reality for some. We are aware mentally that worldwide 1.2 billion people live on less than $1.25  day. We are also aware mentally that locally, 20% of kids in the Bay Area go hungry on a daily basis. However, we lack emotional awareness of these problems. We live in an incredibly affluent community and are shielded from seeing the devastating effects of hunger. After working face to face with our bay area neighbors who face hunger constantly, we hope to feel less removed, less detached and less emotionally ignorant of this issue while simultaneously helping to fix it.

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