Wednesday, November 12, 2014

We got a chance to work at St. Anthony’s Padua Dining Room. The group got to do numerous jobs around the kitchen, such as preparing the food, serving it to the people, sorting donated food and silverware, and helping distribute groceries.

Our favorite part was serving the food to the people who really needed it. Seeing the gratitude and thanks on their faces really made the whole experience worthwhile and fun.

Our biggest takeaway was that a lot of effort goes into preparing meals for so many people. Things like organizing silverware, sorting through vegetables, and preparing the food in general all play an equally huge role in making the consumers satisfied and getting the job done.

Through all of the different tasks that everyone did, we were able to provide nice meals for over 300 people. At the time, it seemed like what we were doing was either random or ineffective, but later we did get to see how our work paid off. We got to immediately see the gratitude on the peoples faces, so we knew that what we were doing at the time was greatly appreciated by those people because we were helping them get a free meal.

I was surprised by how happy I got when I saw the smiles on people’s faces when I gave them food, and even when they just said thanks. The fact that I was making somebody’s hard life a little bit  easier made me feel accomplished and happy that I was helping so many people out.

Throughout the day, I felt increasingly uncomfortable about revealing where I lived or what my socioeconomic was. I felt that if this was revealed, people might look and interact with me differently and I didn’t want to be judged by how much money I had.
One thing we can continue to do is work at soup kitchens to continue feeding people who need it. An issue that we previously discussed was the distribution of food, and how there really is enough food to feed the entire world, so everyone gets fed. If we continue to work with these organizations who help feed the hungry, we will be able to help alleviate the issue of hunger in our local community.


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